Grid Community Toolkit
CenvVar | |
Cglobus_cond_t | Condition variable |
Cglobus_condattr_t | Condition variable attribute |
Cglobus_ftp_client_restart_extended_block_t | Extended block mode restart marker |
Cglobus_ftp_client_restart_marker_t | Restart marker.This structure is may be either a stream mode transfer offset, or an extended block mode byte range |
Cglobus_ftp_client_restart_stream_t | Stream mode restart marker |
Cglobus_ftp_control_auth_info_s | Authentication Values |
Cglobus_ftp_control_dcau_subject_s | Control DCAU subject authentication type |
Cglobus_ftp_control_dcau_u | Control DCAU union |
Cglobus_ftp_control_layout_u | Control striping attribute union |
Cglobus_ftp_control_parallelism_u | Control parallelism attribute structure |
Cglobus_ftp_control_round_robin_s | Control striping round robin attribute structure |
Cglobus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_automatic_s | Automatically set the TCP buffer/window size |
Cglobus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_default_t | Don't change the TCP buffer/window size from the system default |
Cglobus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_fixed_t | Set the TCP buffer/window size to a fixed value |
Cglobus_ftp_control_tcpbuffer_t | Control tcpbuffer attribute structure |
Cglobus_gass_copy_attr_s | Attributes |
Cglobus_gass_copy_glob_stat_t | Glob expanded entry information |
Cglobus_gass_copy_handle_s | Copy Handle |
Cglobus_gass_copy_handleattr_s | Handle Attributes |
Cglobus_gass_transfer_listener_proto_s | Protocol module listener handling structure |
Cglobus_gass_transfer_proto_descriptor_t | Protocol module descriptor structure |
Cglobus_gass_transfer_request_proto_s | Protocol module request handling structure |
Cglobus_gass_transfer_request_t | Request handle |
Cglobus_gram_client_job_info_s | Extensible job information structure |
Cglobus_gridftp_server_control_stat_s | |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_cache_entry_t | URL caching support structure |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_data_target_t | Data connection caching information |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_features_s | FTP server features we are interested in |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_handle_t | FTP Client handle implementation |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_handleattr_t | Handle attributes |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_operationattr_t | The globus_i_ftp_client_operationattr_t is a pointer to this structure type |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_plugin_t | FTP Client Plugin.Each plugin implementation should define a method for initializing one of these structures. Plugins may be implemented as either a static function table, or a specialized plugin with plugin-specific attributes |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_range_t | Byte range report.This structure contains information about a single extent of data stored on an FTP server. A report structure is generated from each part of an extended-block mode restart marker message from an FTP server |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_restart_s | Restart information management |
Cglobus_i_ftp_client_target_s | FTP Connection State |
Cglobus_l_fork_logfile_state_t | |
Cglobus_l_job_manager_logfile_state_t | |
Cglobus_l_lsf_logfile_state_t | |
Cglobus_l_pbs_logfile_state_t | |
Cglobus_l_sge_logfile_state_t | |
Cglobus_l_xio_gssapi_ftp_handle_s | |
Cglobus_list | List data type |
Cglobus_module_descriptor_s | Module Descriptor |
Cglobus_mutex_t | Mutex |
Cglobus_mutexattr_t | Mutex attribute |
Cglobus_net_manager_attr_s | Net Manager Attributes |
Cglobus_net_manager_s | Net Manager Definition |
Cglobus_priority_q_s | Priority Queue Structure |
Cglobus_rmutex_t | Recursive Mutex |
Cglobus_thread_key_t | Thread-specific data key |
Cglobus_thread_once_t | Thread once structure |
Cglobus_thread_t | Thread ID |
Cglobus_threadattr_t | Thread attributes |
Cglobus_url_t | Parsed URLs.This structure contains the fields which were parsed from an string representation of an URL. There are no methods to access fields of this structure |
Cglobus_xio_http_header_t | HTTP Header |
Clogin_netinfo | |