Grid Community Toolkit
Check that globus_off_t is at least 64 bits long
Check that GLOBUS_OFF_T_FORMAT can handle a INT64_MAX valued globus_off_t.
Initialize hashtable with globus_hashtable_init()
Insert datum 123 into hashtable with globus_hashtable_insert()
Insert datum 456 into hashtable with globus_hashtable_insert()
Insert datum 111 into hashtable with globus_hashtable_insert()
Insert datum 222 into hashtable with globus_hashtable_insert()
Remove datum 222 from hashtable with globus_hashtable_remove()
Remove datum 456 from hashtable with globus_hashtable_remove()
Destroy hashtable with globus_hashtable_destroy()
Call globus_list_size() with an empty list
Insert a datum into a globus_list_t with globus_list_insert()
Add a datum to a globus_list_t with globus_list_cons()
Verify that globus_list_size() returns 2 after adding two data items to a list.
Insert x3 into a list with globus_list_insert()
Insert x4 into a list with globus_list_insert()
Verify that the size of the list is now 4 with globus_list_size()
Search for the first item in a list with globus_list_search()
Use globus_list_first() to return the datum from the returned list node. Verify that the search result matches the value searched for.
Search for the third item in a list with globus_list_search()
Use globus_list_first() to return the datum from the returned list node. Verify that the search result matches the value searched for.
Search for the fourth item in a list with globus_list_search()
Use globus_list_first() to return the datum from the returned list node. Verify that the search result matches the value searched for.
Search for the second item in a list with globus_list_search()
Use globus_list_first() to return the datum from the returned list node. Verify that the search result matches the value searched for.
Search for the fourth item in a list with globus_list_search_pred()
Search for the second item in a list with globus_list_search_pred()
Search for the third item in a list with globus_list_search_pred()
Search for the first item in a list with globus_list_search_pred()
Search for the second item in the list with globus_list_search()
Remove the second item in the list with globus_list_remove()
Remove the first item in the list with globus_list_remove()
Remove the first item in the list with globus_list_remove()
Remove the first item in the list with globus_list_remove()
Verify that the list is empty with globus_list_empty()
Use globus_module_setenv() to set a module_environment variable. Then, use globus_module_getenv() to check its value
Deactivate a non-activated module with globus_module_deactivate()
Activate GLOBUS_COMMON_MODULE with globus_module_activate()
Get a module pointer with globus_module_get_module_pointer()
Activate a module with globus_module_activate()
Activate an already active module with globus_module_activate()
Activate an already active module with globus_module_activate()
Deactivate an already active module with globus_module_deactivate(). It should remain active.
Activate an already active module with globus_module_activate()
Deactivate an already active module with globus_module_deactivate(). All modules should remain active except module1.
Deactivate an already deactivated module with globus_module_deactivate(). This should not change activate state.
Deactivate an active module with globus_module_deactivate()
Deactivate an active module with globus_module_deactivate()
Reactivate module1 with globus_module_activate()
Parse well-formed FTP URL containing scheme, host, and path with globus_url_parse()
Parse well-formed FTP URL containing scheme, username, hex-encoded password, host, and path with globus_url_parse()
Parse well-formed HTTP URL containing scheme and host with globus_url_parse()
Parse a well-formed HTTP URL containing scheme, host, and partially hex-encoded path with globus_url_parse()
Parse and absolute file URL
Parse an absolute file URL with a host component
Parse an absolute file URL with a host component
Parse an absolute file URL with several leading /s
Parse an absolute file url with only one / after the initial :
Parse an ftp url with username, password, host, path
Parse an x-nexus URL
Parse an ldap URL
Parse an ldap URL
Parse a URL with a non-standard URL scheme
URL failure with bad ldap attributes
URL failure with bad ldap URL
URL failure with bad ftp path
URL failure with bad ftp port
URL failure with bad ftp port
URL failure with bad nexus host
URL failure with bad nexus host
URL failure with bad ftp user
URL failure with bad ftp user
URL failure with bad ftp user
URL failure with bad file path
URL failure with bad file path
URL failure with bad ftp scheme
URL failure with bad scheme
URL failure with bad scheme
Call globus_cond_signal() before globus_cond_timedwait() timeout
Call globus_cond_signal() after globus_cond_timedwait() timeout
Call globus_cond_signal() before calling globus_cond_timedwait()