
The Grid Community Toolkit documentation was taken from the Globus Toolkit 6.0 documentation. As a result, there may be inaccuracies and outdated information. Please report any problems to the Grid Community Forums as GitHub issues.

GCTMyProxy → GCT 6.2 MyProxy: User’s Guide


Please refer to the MyProxy User’s Guide on the MyProxy web site.

Command-line tools

Please refer to the MyProxy Reference Manual for documentation of the MyProxy command-line tools.



Table 1. MyProxy Errors
Error Code Definition Possible Solutions

MyProxy server name does not match expected name

This error appears as a mutual authentication failure or a server authentication failure, and the error message should list two names: the expected name of the MyProxy server and the actual authenticated name. + By default, the MyProxy clients expect the MyProxy server to be running with a host certificate that matches the target hostname. This error can occur when running the MyProxy server under a non-host certificate or if the server is running on a machine with multiple hostnames.</simpara> The MyProxy clients authenticate the identity of the MyProxy server to avoid sending passphrases and credentials to rogue servers. + If the expected name contains an IP address, your system is unable to do a reverse lookup on that address to get the canonical hostname of the server, indicating either a problem with that machine’s DNS record or a problem with the resolver on your system.

If the server name shown in the error message is acceptable, set the MYPROXY_SERVER_DN environment variable to that name to resolve the problem.

Error in bind(): Address already in use

This error indicates that the myproxy-server port (default: 7512) is in use by another process, probably another myproxy-server instance. You cannot run multiple instances of the myproxy-server on the same network port.

If you want to run multiple instances of the myproxy-server on a machine, you can specify different ports with the -p option, and then give the same -p option to the MyProxy commands to tell them to use the myproxy-server on that port.

grid-proxy-init failed

This error indicates that the grid-proxy-init command failed when myproxy-init attempted to run it, which implies a problem with the underlying GCT installation.

Run grid-proxy-init -debug -verify for more information.

User not authorized

An error from the myproxy-server saying you are "not authorized" to complete an operation typically indicates that the myproxy-server.config file settings are restricting your access to the myproxy-server. It is possible that the myproxy-server is running with the default myproxy-server.config file, which does not authorize any operations.

See Configuring MyProxy for more information.

Unable to verify remote side’s credentials

An error saying "Unable to verify remote side’s credentials," "Couldn’t verify the remote certificate," or "alert bad certificate" often indicates that the client or server’s certificate is signed by an untrusted Certification Authority (CA). The client must have a CA certificate and signing policy file installed in /etc/grid-security/certificates for the CA that signed the server’s certificate. Likewise, the server must have a CA certificate and signing policy file installed in /etc/grid-security/certificates for the CA that signed the client’s certificate.

See Configuring Certificates for more information.

Additional MyProxy Troubleshooting

For additional information, see the MyProxy Troubleshooting Page at NCSA.

Usage statistics collection

MyProxy usage statistics collection

Deactivated by default since MyProxy v6.0.

When activated, the myproxy-server will send a UDP packet containing usage information to after serving each request. See the MyProxy Privacy Policy for details. You can see the Globus Usage Statistics policy here.