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Protocol-Independent File Transfer. More...

Data Structures

struct  globus_gass_copy_handle_s
 Copy Handle. More...
struct  globus_gass_copy_attr_s
 Attributes. More...
struct  globus_gass_copy_handleattr_s
 Handle Attributes. More...
struct  globus_gass_copy_glob_stat_t
 Glob expanded entry information. More...


#define GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_MODULE   (&globus_i_gass_copy_module)
 Module Descriptor.


typedef void(* globus_gass_copy_performance_cb_t )(void *user_arg, globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_off_t total_bytes, float instantaneous_throughput, float avg_throughput)
 Performance Callback. More...
typedef void(* globus_gass_copy_callback_t )(void *callback_arg, globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_object_t *error)
 Copy Callback. More...
typedef struct
 Attributes. More...
typedef struct
 Handle Attributes. More...
typedef void(* globus_gass_copy_glob_entry_cb_t )(const char *url, const globus_gass_copy_glob_stat_t *info_stat, void *user_arg)
 Gass copy glob entry callback. More...


enum  globus_gass_copy_status_t
 Status States.
enum  globus_gass_copy_url_mode_t
 URL Modes.
enum  globus_gass_copy_glob_entry_t


globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_handle_init (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_gass_copy_handleattr_t *attr)
 Initialize a GASS Copy handle. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_handle_destroy (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle)
 Destroy a GASS Copy handle. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_buffer_length (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, int length)
 Set the size of the buffer to be used for doing transfers. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_buffer_length (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, int *length)
 Get the size of the transfer buffer. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_no_third_party_transfers (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_bool_t no_third_party_transfers)
 Enable/Disable third-party transfers. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_no_third_party_transfers (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_bool_t *no_third_party_transfers)
 Query third-party transfer status. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_allocate (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_bool_t send_allo)
 Set allo on or off.
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_stat_on_expand (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_bool_t always_stat)
 Make globus_gass_copy_expand_url() always send stat info.
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_checksum_algo (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, char *algo, globus_gass_copy_handle_t *cksm_handle)
 Stores the checksum algorithm to use with all checksum operations. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_checksum (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, char *cksm)
 Copies the checksum to the handle's checksum parameter. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_partial_offsets (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_off_t offset, globus_off_t end_offset)
 Set partial file offsets. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_partial_offsets (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_off_t *offset, globus_off_t *end_offset)
 Get partial transfer offsets. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_init (globus_gass_copy_attr_t *attr)
 Initialize an attribute structure. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_set_ftp (globus_gass_copy_attr_t *attr, globus_ftp_client_operationattr_t *ftp_attr)
 Set the attributes for ftp/gsiftp transfers. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_set_io (globus_gass_copy_attr_t *attr, globus_io_attr_t *io_attr)
 Set file transfers attributes. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_set_gass (globus_gass_copy_attr_t *attr, globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_t *gass_attr)
 Set the http/https attributes. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_url_mode (char *url, globus_gass_copy_url_mode_t *mode)
 Get URL scheme. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_register_performance_cb (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_gass_copy_performance_cb_t callback, void *user_arg)
 Register a performance information callback. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_status (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_gass_copy_status_t *status)
 Get the status code of a transfer. More...
const char * globus_gass_copy_get_status_string (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle)
 Get the status string of a transfer. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_glob_expand_url (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, const char *url, globus_gass_copy_attr_t *attr, globus_gass_copy_glob_entry_cb_t entry_cb, void *user_arg)
 Expand globbed url. More...
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_mkdir (globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, char *url, globus_gass_copy_attr_t *attr)
 Make directory. More...

Detailed Description

Protocol-Independent File Transfer.

The Globus GASS Copy library is motivated by the desire to provide a uniform interface to transfer files specified by different protocols.

The goals in doing this are to:

Any program that uses Globus GASS Copy functions must include "globus_gass_copy.h".

Globus GASS Copy uses standard Globus module activation and deactivation. Before any Globus GASS Copy functions are called, the following function must be called:

This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if Globus GASS Copy was successfully initialized, and you are therefore allowed to subsequently call Globus GASS Copy functions. Otherwise, an error code is returned, and Globus GASS Copy functions should not be subsequently called. This function may be called multiple times.

To deactivate Globus GASS Copy, the following function must be called:

This function should be called once for each time Globus GASS Copy was activated.

Typedef Documentation


Contains any/all attributes that are required to perform the supported transfer methods (ftp, gass, io).

typedef void(* globus_gass_copy_callback_t)(void *callback_arg, globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_object_t *error)

Copy Callback.

Signature of a callback from globus_gass_copy_register_*() functions. (nonblocking transfer functions)

typedef void(* globus_gass_copy_glob_entry_cb_t)(const char *url, const globus_gass_copy_glob_stat_t *info_stat, void *user_arg)

Gass copy glob entry callback.

This callback is passed as a parameter to globus_gass_copy_glob_expand_url(). It is called once for each entry that the original expands to.

urlThe full url to the expanded entry. A directory entry will end in a forward slash '/'.
info_statA pointer to a globus_gass_copy_glob_stat_t containing information about the entry.
user_argThe user_arg passed to globus_gass_copy_glob_expand()
See Also
globus_gass_copy_glob_stat_t, globus_gass_copy_glob_expand_url

Handle Attributes.

Contains any/all attributes that are required to create lower-level handles (ftp, gass, io).

typedef void(* globus_gass_copy_performance_cb_t)(void *user_arg, globus_gass_copy_handle_t *handle, globus_off_t total_bytes, float instantaneous_throughput, float avg_throughput)

Performance Callback.

This callback is registered with 'globus_gass_copy_register_performance_cb' It will be called during a transfer to supply performance information on current transfer. Its frequency will be at most one per second, but it is possible to receive no callbacks. This is possible in very short transfers and in ftp transfers in which the server does not provide performance information.

handlethe gass copy handle this transfer is occurring on
user_arga user pointer registered with 'globus_gass_copy_register_performance_cb'
total_bytesthe total number of bytes transfer so far
instantaneous_throughputinstantaneous rate of transfer (since last callback or start) (bytes / sec)
avg_throughputthe avg thoughput calculated since the start of the transfer (bytes / sec)
  • n/a

Enumeration Type Documentation

globbed entry types

Function Documentation

globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_init ( globus_gass_copy_attr_t attr)

Initialize an attribute structure.

The globus_gass_copy_attr_t can be used to pass the globus_gass_copy library information about how a transfer should be performed. It must first be initialized by calling this function. Then any or all of the following functions may be called to set attributes associated with a particular protocol: globus_gass_copy_attr_set_ftp(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_gass(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_io(). Any function which takes a globus_gass_copy_attr_t as an argument will also accept GLOBUS_NULL, in which case the appropriate set of default attributes will be used.

attrThe attribute structure to be initialized
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
See Also
globus_gass_copy_attr_set_ftp(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_gass(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_io(), globus_gass_copy_get_url_mode().
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_set_ftp ( globus_gass_copy_attr_t attr,
globus_ftp_client_operationattr_t ftp_attr 

Set the attributes for ftp/gsiftp transfers.

In order to specify attributes for ftp/gsiftp transfers, a globus_ftp_client_operationattr_t should be initialized and its values set using the appropriate globus_ftp_client_operationattr_* functions. The globus_ftp_client_operationattr_t * can then be passed to the globus_gass_copy_attr_t via this function.

attrA globus_gass_copy attribute structure
ftp_attrThe ftp/gsiftp attributes to be used
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
See Also
globus_gass_copy_attr_init(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_gass(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_io(), globus_gass_copy_get_url_mode(), globus_ftp_client_operationattr_*
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_set_gass ( globus_gass_copy_attr_t attr,
globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_t *  gass_attr 

Set the http/https attributes.

In order to specify attributes for http/https transfers, a globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_t should be initialized and its values set using the appropriate globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_* functions. The globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_t can then be passed to the globus_gass_copy_attr_t via this function.

attrA globus_gass_copy attribute structure
gass_attrThe http/https attributes to be used
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
See Also
globus_gass_copy_attr_init(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_io(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_ftp(), globus_gass_copy_get_url_mode(), globus_gass_transfer_requestattr_*
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_attr_set_io ( globus_gass_copy_attr_t attr,
globus_io_attr_t *  io_attr 

Set file transfers attributes.

In order to specify attributes for file transfers, a globus_io_attr_t should be initialized and its values set using the appropriate globus_io_attr_* functions. The globus_io_attr_t can then be passed to the globus_gass_copy_attr_t via this function.

attrA globus_gass_copy attribute structure
io_attrThe file attributes to be used
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
See Also
globus_gass_copy_attr_init(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_gass(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_ftp(), globus_gass_copy_get_url_mode(), globus_io_attr_*
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_buffer_length ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
int *  length 

Get the size of the transfer buffer.

This function allows the user to get the size of the buffer that is being used for doing transfers.

handleGet the buffer length for transfers associated with this handle.
lengthThe length, in bytes, of the buffer.
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_no_third_party_transfers ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
globus_bool_t no_third_party_transfers 

Query third-party transfer status.

This function allows the user to see if third-party transfers are turned on or off for ftp to ftp transfers associated with a particular handle. This is often desired if one of the servers involved in the transfer does not allow third-party transfers.

handleSee if third-party transfers are turned on or off for transfers associated with this handle. They are on by default.
no_third_party_transfersGLOBUS_FALSE if third-party transfers should be used. GLOBUS_TRUE if third-party transfers should not be used.
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_partial_offsets ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
globus_off_t *  offset,
globus_off_t *  end_offset 

Get partial transfer offsets.

This function allows the user to get the offsets that are being used for doing partial transfers. An offset of -1 means partial transfers are disabled.

handleGet the offsets for partial transfers associated with this handle.
offsetThe starting offset for the partial transfer.
end_offsetThe ending offset for the partial transfer.
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_status ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
globus_gass_copy_status_t status 

Get the status code of a transfer.

Get the status of the last transfer to be initiated using the given handle. Only one transfer can be active on a handle at a given time, therefore new transfers may only be initiated when the current status is one of the following: GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_NONE, GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_SUCCESS, GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_FAILURE, GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_CANCELLED

handleA globus_gass_copy_handle
statusWill be one of the following: GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_NONE (No transfers have been initiated using this handle.) GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_PENDING (A transfer is currently being set up.) GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_TRANSFER_IN_PROGRESS (There is currently a transfer in progress.) GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_CANCEL (The last transfer initiated using this handle has been cancelled by the user before completing, and is in the process of being cleaned up.) GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_FAILURE (The last transfer initiated using this handle failed, and is in the process of being cleaned up.) GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_SUCCESS (The last transfer initiated using this handle has completed successfully.) GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_FAILURE (The last transfer initiated using this handle failed and has finished cleaning up.) GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_CANCELLED (The last transfer initiated using this handle was cancelled and has finished cleaning up.)
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
const char* globus_gass_copy_get_status_string ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle)

Get the status string of a transfer.

Get the status of the last transfer to be initiated using the given handle. Only one transfer can be active on a handle at a given time, therefore new transfers may only be initiated when the current status is one of the following: GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_NONE, GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_SUCCESS, GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_FAILURE, GLOBUS_GASS_COPY_STATUS_DONE_CANCELLED

handleA globus_gass_copy_handle
Returns a pointer to a character string describing the current status
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_get_url_mode ( char *  url,
globus_gass_copy_url_mode_t mode 

Get URL scheme.

This function enables the user to determine what protocol will be used to transfer data to/from a particular url. This information can then be used to specify the appropriate attributes when initiating a transfer.

urlThe URL for schema checking
modethe filled in schema type of the URL param
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
See Also
globus_gass_copy_attr_init(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_io(), globus_gass_copy_attr_set_ftp(), globus_gass_copy_set_gass()
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_glob_expand_url ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
const char *  url,
globus_gass_copy_attr_t attr,
globus_gass_copy_glob_entry_cb_t  entry_cb,
void *  user_arg 

Expand globbed url.

This function expands wildcards in a globbed url, and calls entry_cb() on each one.

handleA gass copy handle to use for the operation.
urlThe URL to expand. The URL may be an ftp, gsiftp or file URL. Wildcard characters supported are '?' '*' '[ ]' in the filename portion of the url.
attrGass copy attributes for this operation.
entry_cbFunction to call with information about each entry
user_argAn argument to pass to entry_cb()
This function returns an error when any of these conditions are true:
  • handle is GLOBUS_NULL
  • url is GLOBUS_NULL
  • url cannot be parsed
  • url is not a ftp, gsiftp or file url
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_handle_destroy ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle)

Destroy a GASS Copy handle.

Destroy a gass_copy_handle, which was initialized using globus_gass_copy_handle_init(), that will no longer be used for doing transfers. Once the handle is destroyed, no further transfers should be associated with it.

handleThe handle to be destroyed
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
See Also
globus_gass_copy_handle_init(), globus_ftp_client_handle_destroy()
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_handle_init ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
globus_gass_copy_handleattr_t attr 

Initialize a GASS Copy handle.

A globus_gass_copy_handle must be initialized before any transfers may be associated with it. This function initializes a globus_gass_copy_handle to be used for doing transfers, this includes initializing a globus_ftp_client_handle which will be used for doing any ftp/gsiftp transfers. The same handle may be used to perform multiple, consecutive transfers. However, there can only be one transfer associated with a particular handle at any given time. After all transfers to be associated with this handle have completed, the handle should be destroyed by calling globus_gass_copy_handle_destroy().

handleThe handle to be initialized
attrThe handle attributes used to use with this handle
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
See Also
globus_gass_copy_handle_destroy() , globus_gass_copy_handleattr_init(), globus_ftp_client_hande_init()
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_mkdir ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
char *  url,
globus_gass_copy_attr_t attr 

Make directory.

This function creates a directory given a ftp or file url.

handleA gass copy handle to use for the mkdir operation.
urlThe URL for the directory to create. The URL may be an ftp, gsiftp or file URL.
attrGass copy attributes for this operation.
This function returns an error when any of these conditions are true:
  • handle is GLOBUS_NULL
  • url is GLOBUS_NULL
  • url cannot be parsed
  • url is not a ftp, gsiftp or file url
  • the directory could not be created
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_register_performance_cb ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
globus_gass_copy_performance_cb_t  callback,
void *  user_arg 

Register a performance information callback.

Use this to register a performance information callback. You change or set to GLOBUS_NULL the callback any time a transfer is not occurring.

handlean initialized gass copy handle for which you would like to see performance info
callbackthe performance callback
user_arga user pointer that will be passed to all callbacks for a given handle
  • error on a NULL or busy handle
See Also
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_buffer_length ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
int  length 

Set the size of the buffer to be used for doing transfers.

This function allows the user to set the size of the buffer that will be used for doing transfers, if this function is not called the buffer size will default to 1M.

handleSet the buffer length for transfers associated with this handle.
lengthThe length, in bytes, to make the buffer.
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_checksum ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
char *  cksm 

Copies the checksum to the handle's checksum parameter.

This function frees any existing checksum value stored in the handle, then copies the passed in checksum to the handle.

handleThe handle to the object to which the checksum shall be set.
cksmThe checksum string to be set to the handle.
This function always returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_checksum_algo ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
char *  algo,
globus_gass_copy_handle_t cksm_handle 

Stores the checksum algorithm to use with all checksum operations.

This function sets the checksum algorithm and the handle to be used for checksum calculations to the passed in handle.

handleThis is the handle to which the checksum algorithm and handle are set.
algoThis is the algorithm to set in the handle.
cksm_handleThis is the handle that is used for performing checksum operations that will be set in the handle.
This function always returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_no_third_party_transfers ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
globus_bool_t  no_third_party_transfers 

Enable/Disable third-party transfers.

This function allows the user to turn third-party transfers on or off for ftp to ftp transfers associated with a particular handle. This is often desired if one of the servers involved in the transfer does not allow third-party transfers.

handleTurn third-party transfers on or off for transfers associated with this handle. They are on by default.
no_third_party_transfersGLOBUS_FALSE if third-party transfers should be used. GLOBUS_TRUE if third-party transfers should not be used.
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.
globus_result_t globus_gass_copy_set_partial_offsets ( globus_gass_copy_handle_t handle,
globus_off_t  offset,
globus_off_t  end_offset 

Set partial file offsets.

This function allows the user to set the offsets that will be used for doing partial transfers. An offset of -1 will disable partial transfers. An end_offset of -1 means EOF.

handleSet the offsets for partial transfers associated with this handle.
offsetThe starting offset for the partial transfer.
end_offsetThe ending offset for the partial transfer.
This function returns GLOBUS_SUCCESS if successful, or a globus_result_t indicating the error that occurred.